
Forschungspapier (36)

Singh, N., Solanki, R., Ojha, N., Janssen, R. H. H., Pozzer, A. und Dhaka, S. K.: Boundary layer evolution over the central Himalayas from radio wind profiler and model simulations, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 16, doi:10.5194/acp-2016-101, 2016.
Bacer, S., Christoudias, T. und Pozzer, A.: North Atlantic Oscillation model projections and influence on tracer transport, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 15, 33049–33075, doi:10.5194/acpd-15-33049-2015, 2015.
Jöckel, P., Tost, H., Pozzer, A., Kunze, M., Kirner, O., Brenninkmeijer, C. A. M., Brinkop, S., Cai, D. S., Dyroff, C., Eckstein, J., Frank, F., Garny, H., Gottschaldt, K.-D., Graf, P., Grewe, V., Kerkweg, A., Kern, B., Matthes, S., Mertens, M., Meul, S., Neumaier, M., Nützel, M., Oberländer-Hayn, S., Ruhnke, R., Runde, T., Sander, R., Scharffe, D. und Zahn, A.: Earth System Chemistry Integrated Modelling (ESCiMo) with the Modular Earth Submodel System (MESSy, version 2.51), Geoscientific Model Development Discussions, 8, 8635–8750, doi:10.5194/gmdd-8-8635-2015, 2015.
Ojha, N., Pozzer, A., Rauthe-Schöch, A., Baker, A. K., Yoon, J., Brenninkmeijer, C. A. M. und Lelieveld, J.: Ozone and carbon monoxide over India during the summer monsoon: regional emissions and transport, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 15, 21133–21176, doi:10.5194/acp-16-3013-2016, 2015.

Preprint (26)

Steffens, B., Kohl, M. und Pozzer, A.: Beyond the Battlefield: Uncovering the Impact of Military Pollution on Human Mortality, Research Square, doi:10.21203/, 2024.
Nussbaumer, C. M., Kohl, M., Pozzer, A., Tadic, I., Rohloff, R., Marno, D., Harder, H., Ziereis, H. A., Zahn, A., Obersteiner, F., Hofzumahaus, A., Fuchs, H., Künstler, C., Brune, W. H., Ryerson, T. B., Peischl, J., Thompson, C., Bourgeois, I., Lelieveld, J. und Fischer, H.: O3 formation sensitivity to precursors and lightning in the tropical troposphere based on airborne observations, TechRxiv, doi:10.22541/au.171052995.51187469/v1, 2024.
Martin, A., Gayler , V., Steil, B., Klingmüller, K., Jöckel, P., Tost, H., Lelieveld, J. und Pozzer, A.: Evaluation of the coupling of EMACv2.55 and the land surface and vegetation model JSBACHv4, EGUsphere, doi:10.5194/egusphere-2023-3051, 2024.
Girach, I. A., Ojha, N., Nair, P. R., Subrahmanyam, K. V., Koushik, N., Nazeer, M. M., Kumar, N. K., Babu, S. N. S., Lelieveld, J. und Pozzer, A.: Influences of downward transport and photochemistry on surface ozone over East Antarctica during austral summer: in situ observations and model simulations, , doi:10.5194/egusphere-2023-1524, 2023.
Nussbaumer, C. M., Fischer, H., Lelieveld, J. und Pozzer, A.: What controls ozone sensitivity in the upper tropical troposphere?, EGUsphere, doi:10.5194/egusphere-2023-816, 2023.
Vella, R., Pozzer, A., Forrest, M., Lelieveld, J., Hickler, T. und Tost, H.: BVOC emission flux response to the El Niño-Southern Oscillation, EGUsphere, doi:10.5194/egusphere-2023-777, 2023.
Soni, M., Sander, R., Sahu, L. K., Taraborrelli , D., Liu, P., Patel, A., Girach, I. A., Pozzer, A., Gunthe, S. S. und Ojha, N.: Comprehensive multiphase chlorine chemistry in the box model CAABA/MECCA: Implications to atmospheric oxidative capacity, EGUsphere, doi:10.5194/egusphere-2023-652, 2023.
Kohl, M., Lelieveld, J., Chowdhury, S., Ehrhart, S., Sharma, D., Cheng, Y., Tripathi, S. N., Sebastian, M., Pandithurai, G., Wang, H. und Pozzer, A.: Numerical simulation and evaluation of global ultrafine particle concentrations at the Earth's surface, EGUsphere, doi:10.5194/egusphere-2023-317, 2023.
Strada, S., Pozzer, A., Giorgi, F., Giuliani, G., Coppola, E., Solmon, F., Jiang, X. und Guenther, and A.: Assessment of isoprene and near surface ozone sensitivities to water stress over the Euro-Mediterranean region, , doi:10.5194/egusphere-2022-1522 , 2023.
Kuhn, L., Beirle, S., Kumar, V., Osipov, S., Pozzer, A., Bösch , T., Kumar, R. und Wagner, T.: Modelling of tropospheric NO2 using WRF-Chem with optimized temporal NOx emission profiles derived from in-situ observations – Comparisons to in-situ, satellite, and MAX-DOAS observations over central Europe, EGUsphere, doi:10.5194/egusphere-2022-1473, 2023.
Kuhn, L., Beirle, S., Kumar, V., Osipov, S., Pozzer, A., Bösch, T., Kumar, R. und Wagner, T.: Modelling of tropospheric NO2 using WRF-Chem with optimized temporal NOₓ emission profiles derived from in-situ observations – Comparisons to in-situ, satellite, and MAX-DOAS observations over central Europe, , doi:10.5194/egusphere-2022-1473, 2023.
Bourtsoukidis , E., Pozzer, A., Williams, J., Makowski , D., Penuelas , J., Matthaios , V., Lazoglou , G., Yañez-Serrano , A., Ciais , P., Lelieveld, J., Vrekoussis , M., Daskalakis , N. und Sciare, J.: High temperature sensitivity of monoterpene emissions from global vegetation, Research Square, doi:10.21203/, 2022.
Hamryszczak, Z., Dienhart, D., Brendel, B., Rohloff, R., Marno, D., Martinez, M., Harder, H., Pozzer, A., Bohn , B., Zöger , M., Lelieveld, J. und Fischer, H.: Hydrogen peroxide in the upper tropical troposphere over the Atlantic Ocean and western Africa during the CAFE-Africa aircraft campaign, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 22, doi:10.5194/acp-2022-693, 2022.
Dienhart, D., Brendel, B., Crowley, J. N., Eger, P. G., Harder, H., Martinez, M., Pozzer, A., Rohloff, R., Schuladen, J., Tauer, S., Lelieveld, J. und Fischer, H.: Formaldehyde and hydroperoxide distribution around the Arabian Peninsula – evaluation of EMAC model results with ship-based measurements, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 22, doi:10.5194/acp-2022-580, 2022.
Abdelkader, M., Stenchikov, G., Pozzer, A., Tost, H. und Lelieveld, J.: The effect of ash, water vapor, and heterogeneous chemistry on the evolution of a Pinatubo-size volcanic cloud, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 22, doi:10.5194/acp-2022-177, 2022.
Hamryszczak, Z. T., Pozzer, A., Obersteiner, F., Bohn, B., Steil, B., Lelieveld, J. und Fischer, H.: Distribution of hydrogen peroxide over Europe during the BLUESKY aircraft campaign, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 22, doi:10.5194/acp-2022-89, 2022.
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